College of Marin

United States (US)
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  • Established: 1926
    Fees: £28,000

Location: Marin County, California, United States (US)
International Students: 100
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  About the Institution
College of Marin is a public community college in Marin County, California, with two campuses, one in Kentfield and the second in Novato. Established in 1926, it is the only institution operated by the Marin Community College District.

Approximately 100 international students enroll in the University’s International Student Program annually. College of Marin has a library on each campus that provides research assistance, access to print and electronic resources, and study spaces to students. Multiple science labs are in place to deliver hands-on learning experiences to students, so they have specialized facilities. The fitness center has a program students can use to stay active and healthy, and the Performing Arts Center features a 400-seat theater with rehearsal spaces and classrooms for performing arts. Students with a family have access to two Child Development Centers to focus on their studies.

Marin County is recognized for having incredible scenery. From the mixed evergreen forest to the Coast Redwood Forests, there is plenty of exploring for students. Regarding tourist hotspots, Marin County is close to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Fresh seafood such as BBQ oysters are available for students to diversify their palette, while low-cost drinks can be found at the quirky Papermill Creek Saloon. There are numerous sandy beaches in Marin County, with souvenir shops to send back home. Students who enjoy the outdoors have fun kayaking in areas like Tomales Bay or at Alamere Falls.

  Student Life
Student life is cohesive and fun at the College of Marin. The variety of student clubs ranges from students for social justice to the entrepreneurs’ club, with plenty of opportunities to attend events or start their student club. Student services help international students settle in, offering health services, job search strategies, etc. The events schedule can be viewed on the College of Marin website for students to choose their preferred activity. The College of Marin Science Museum is situated in close proximity to the academic buildings so students can uncover the natural world of Marin. The athletics teams at the University allow students to participate in group sports or cheer from the sidelines to reinforce the community feel that is actively encouraged on campus.

The College of Marin does not offer on-campus accommodation. The University website provides helpful information on the many apartments and condominiums situated nearby to the campus. Many international students find a home with a trusted local family via the homestay program. This arrangement allows students to practice their English language skills and become accustomed to regional traditions. Some students opt to rent homes in the nearby areas with friends and to ingratiate themselves in the community.

  Trending Courses
Arts and Humanities, Art History, History, Psychology, Design, Health care, Kinesiology, Fine Arts, Sociology, World Englishes


AS in Computer Science
AS in Machine Technology
AS in Business, General
AS-T Business Administration
AS-T Business Administration 2.0
AS in Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Option, Occupational
AS in Medical Assisting: Administrative Option, Occupational
AS in Medical Assisting: Clinical Option, Occupational
AS in Computer Information Systems
AS in Nursing, Registered, Occupational or Transfer
AA in Communication, Mass Communications
AS in Applied Design: Three-dimensional, Occupational
AS in Applied Design: Two-dimensional
AS in Applied Design: Two-dimensional, Occupational
AS in Architecture
AS in Court Reporting
AS in Court Reporting, Certified Shorthand Reporter Option
AS in Court Reporting, Legal Transcription Technology Option
AS in Multimedia Studies, Authoring
AS in Multimedia Studies, Entertainment
AA in Humanities
AA-T Economics
AA-T in Global Studies
AS in Multimedia Studies, Graphic Design
AS-T Hospitality Management
AA in Graphic Design
AA-T Geography
AA-T Psychology
AS in Early Childhood Education
AS-T Early Childhood Education
AS-T Physics
AA in Kinesiology and Health
AA in Communication, Filmmaking
AA in Communication, Screenwriting
AS-T Film, Television, and Electronic Media
AA in Art
AA-T Political Science
AS in Dental Assisting, Registered
AA in Drama
AA in French
AA in Italian
AA in Liberal Arts: Language and Communication Emphasis
AA in Liberal Arts: Natural Science Emphasis
AA in Liberal Arts: Social & Behavioral Science Emphasis
AA in Music
AA in Public Safety
AA in Spanish
AA-T Anthropology
AA-T Art History
AA-T Communication Studies
AA-T English
AA-T History
AA-T Kinesiology
AA-T Philosophy
AA-T Sociology
AA-T Spanish
AA-T Theatre Arts
AS in Administration of Justice, Occupational
AS in Automotive Collision Repair Technology, Master Collision Repair
AS in Automotive Technology, Master Repair Technician
AS in Biology
AS in Geology
AS in Physical Sciences
AS in Real Estate, Occupational
AS-T Administration of Justice
AS-T Geology
AS-T in Mathematics
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